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Best Ragnarok Private Server Pre Renewal Mid-Rates

Best Mid-Rate Ragnarok Online Private Servers for PC and Mobile in 2025

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#1644: Sniper Cecil

Monster ID 1644 Sprite G_SHECIL
kRO Name Sniper Shecil Custom No
iRO Name Sniper Cecil HP 209,000
Size Small SP 0
Race Demi-Human Level 99
Element Wind (Lv 4) Speed 100
Experience 1,800,000 Attack 1,613~2,370
Job Experience 1,000,000 Defense 22
MVP Experience 0 Magic Defense 35
Attack Delay 384 ms Attack Range 14
Attack Motion 384 ms Spell Range 10
Delay Motion 0 ms Vision Range 12
Monster Mode
  • Can Move
  • Aggressive
  • Cast Sensor Idle
  • Boss
  • Can Attack
  • Detector
  • Cast Sensor Chase
  • Change Chase
  • Change Target Melee
  • Change Target Chase
Monster Stats
STR 1 AGI 180 VIT 39
INT 67 DEX 193 LUK 130

Sniper Cecil Item Drops

Item ID Item Name Drop Chance
617 Old Purple Box 2%

Monster Skills for “Sniper Cecil”

Name Level State Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable Target Condition Value
Sniper Shecil@NPC_SELFDESTRUCTION 1 Attack 2000% 2000s 0s No Self myhpltmaxrate 3
Sniper Shecil@WZ_METEOR 1 Idle 10000% 0s 0s Yes Target rudeattacked None
Sniper Shecil@WZ_METEOR 1 Walk 5000% 0s 5000s Yes Target rudeattacked None
Sniper Shecil@AC_DOUBLE 10 Attack 2000% 0s 3000s Yes Target always None
Sniper Shecil@AC_SHOWER 10 Attack 2000% 0s 3000s Yes Target always None
Sniper Shecil@AC_CHARGEARROW 1 Attack 2000% 0s 3000s Yes Target always None
Sniper Shecil@NPC_POWERUP 5 Attack 2000% 0s 100000s Yes Self always None
Sniper Shecil@NPC_POWERUP 5 Attack 2000% 0s 25000s Yes Self myhpltmaxrate 30
Sniper Shecil@NPC_AGIUP 5 Attack 2000% 0s 100000s Yes Self always None
Sniper Shecil@NPC_AGIUP 5 Attack 2000% 0s 25000s Yes Self myhpltmaxrate 30
Sniper Shecil@SN_SHARPSHOOTING 5 Attack 2000% 500s 1500s No Target always None
Sniper Shecil@HT_LANDMINE 5 Idle 2000% 0s 60000s Yes Around3 always None
Sniper Shecil@HT_LANDMINE 5 Attack 500% 0s 5000s Yes Around3 always None
Sniper Shecil@HT_ANKLESNARE 5 Idle 2000% 0s 60000s Yes Around3 always None
Sniper Shecil@HT_ANKLESNARE 5 Attack 500% 0s 5000s Yes Around3 always None
Sniper Shecil@HT_BLASTMINE 5 Idle 2000% 0s 60000s Yes Around3 always None
Sniper Shecil@HT_BLASTMINE 5 Attack 500% 0s 5000s Yes Around3 always None
Sniper Shecil@NPC_CRITICALSLASH 1 Attack 1000% 0s 5000s Yes Target always None
Sniper Shecil@NPC_STUNATTACK 5 Attack 1000% 0s 5000s Yes Target always None
Sniper Shecil@NPC_WINDATTACK 10 Attack 1000% 0s 5000s Yes Target always None

Ragnarok Online Private Servers - Origin Mid-Rates

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