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Best Ragnarok Private Server Pre Renewal Mid-Rates

Best Mid-Rate Ragnarok Online Private Servers for PC and Mobile in 2025



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Found a total of 2235 record(s) across 112 page(s). Displaying result(s) 1041-1060.

Monster ID ▼ kRO Name iRO Name Level HP Size Race Element Base EXP Job EXP Card ID Custom
2379 Smokey Sock Socks Stealing Raccoon 10 10 Medium Brute Earth (Lv 1) 0 0 None Yes
2370 Green Lichtern Lichtern 151 133,451 Medium Formless Ghost (Lv 4) 10,395,500 8,244,000 None No
2369 Red Lichtern Lichtern 149 135,718 Medium Formless Fire (Lv 4) 10,404,000 8,323,200 None No
2368 Yellow Lichtern Lichtern 147 131,513 Medium Formless Earth (Lv 4) 707,100 697,200 None No
2367 Blue Lichtern Lichtern 149 131,211 Medium Formless Water (Lv 4) 10,305,000 8,316,400 None No
2364 Nature's Gift Nature's Gift 255 3,516,468 Small Brute Wind (Lv 1) 16,777,215 16,777,215 None Yes
2363 Fairy of Fury Fairy of Fury 255 3,516,468 Medium Insect Wind (Lv 2) 16,777,215 16,777,215 None Yes
2362 Nightmare Amon Ra Nightmare Amon Ra 188 12,000,000 Large Demi-Human Earth (Lv 3) 16,777,215 16,777,215 None Yes
2361 Nightmare Ancient Mummy Nightmare Ancient Mummy 200 292,557 Small Undead Undead (Lv 2) 100 100 None Yes
2360 Nightmare Ancient Mummy Nightmare Ancient Mummy 200 292,557 Small Undead Undead (Lv 2) 1,240,500 135,500 None Yes
2359 Nightmare Arclouse Nightmare Arclouse 174 221,034 Medium Insect Earth (Lv 3) 100 100 None Yes
2358 Nightmare Arclouse Nightmare Arclouse 174 221,034 Medium Insect Earth (Lv 3) 11,258,000 1,204,500 None Yes
2357 Nightmare Mimic Nightmare Mimic 170 201,034 Medium Formless Neutral (Lv 3) 100 100 None Yes
2356 Nightmare Mimic Nightmare Mimic 170 201,034 Medium Formless Neutral (Lv 3) 10,728,000 1,158,400 None Yes
2355 Nightmare Verit Nightmare Verit 175 211,034 Small Undead Undead (Lv 1) 11,528,000 1,058,400 None Yes
2354 Nightmare Mummy Nightmare Mummy 187 262,557 Small Undead Undead (Lv 2) 13,548,000 1,167,000 None Yes
2353 Nightmare Minorous Nightmare Minorous 181 317,141 Large Brute Fire (Lv 2) 12,963,400 1,123,700 None Yes
2343 Hidden Mob Hidden Mob 151 10,000 Medium Insect Ghost (Lv 4) 0 0 None Yes
2340 Tiyanak Tiyanak 105 171,460 Medium Demon Dark (Lv 2) 0 0 None Yes
2339 Bangungot Mangkukulam Bangungot Mangkukulam 110 2,045,110 Small Demon Neutral (Lv 2) 0 0 None Yes
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Ragnarok Online Private Servers - Origin Mid-Rates

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