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Best Ragnarok Private Server Pre Renewal Mid-Rates

Best Mid-Rate Ragnarok Online Private Servers for PC and Mobile in 2025



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Found a total of 2235 record(s) across 112 page(s). Displaying result(s) 81-100.

Monster ID ▲ kRO Name iRO Name Level HP Size Race Element Base EXP Job EXP Card ID Custom
1088 Vocal Vocal 18 3,016 Small Insect Earth (Lv 1) 11,000 8,800 4211 No
1089 Toad Toad 10 5,065 Small Fish Water (Lv 1) 10,000 5,000 4306 No
1090 Mastering Mastering 2 2,415 Small Plant Water (Lv 1) 3,000 1,000 4197 No
1091 Dragon Fly Dragon Fly 8 2,400 Medium Insect Wind (Lv 1) 8,800 4,400 4179 No
1092 Vagabond Wolf Vagabond Wolf 24 12,240 Small Brute Earth (Lv 1) 24,700 17,600 4183 No
1093 Eclipse Eclipse 6 1,800 Small Brute Neutral (Lv 3) 6,000 5,500 4266 No
1094 Ambernite Ambernite 13 495 Large Insect Water (Lv 1) 5,700 3,800 4032 No
1095 Andre Andre 17 688 Medium Insect Earth (Lv 1) 10,900 7,100 4043 No
1096 Angeling Angeling 20 55,000 Small Angel Holy (Lv 4) 16,300 14,400 4054 No
1097 Ant Egg Ant Egg 4 420 Medium Formless Neutral (Lv 3) 500 400 4013 No
1098 Anubis Anubis 75 38,000 Large Demi-Human Undead (Lv 2) 2,800,000 2,200,000 4138 No
1099 Argiope Argiope 41 4,382 Large Insect Poison (Lv 1) 179,700 84,900 4114 No
1100 Argos Argos 25 1,117 Large Insect Poison (Lv 1) 38,800 18,800 4075 No
1101 Baphomet Jr. Baphomet Jr. 50 8,578 Medium Demon Dark (Lv 1) 270,600 148,000 4129 No
1102 Bathory Bathory 44 5,415 Small Demi-Human Dark (Lv 1) 250,300 103,400 4119 No
1103 Caramel Caramel 23 1,424 Medium Brute Earth (Lv 1) 26,400 16,200 4063 No
1104 Coco Coco 17 817 Medium Brute Earth (Lv 1) 12,000 7,800 4041 No
1105 Deniro Deniro 19 760 Medium Insect Earth (Lv 1) 13,500 8,500 4043 No
1106 Desert Wolf Desert Wolf 27 1,716 Small Brute Fire (Lv 1) 42,700 26,600 4082 No
1107 Desert Wolf Baby Baby Desert Wolf 9 164 Medium Brute Fire (Lv 1) 2,000 1,600 4023 No
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Ragnarok Online Private Servers - Origin Mid-Rates

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